Safe Workspace Policy

The Kivalliq Trade Show Society has developed a “Respectful and Harassment Free Workspace Policy,” to ensure that all participants in KTSS events and activities are safe and supported.

All KTSS participants, delegates, exhibitors, program participants (including sponsored participants), coordinators, contractors, service providers, and volunteers are expected to be familiar with and act in accordance with this policy.


Download a PDF of the Policy Here.




The Kivalliq Trade Show Society (the “Society”) is committed to the Inuit traditional values which emphasize the need for respectful words, actions, and attitudes towards other people at all times and under all circumstances. Inuit values are the foundation of societal health and wellbeing, and this extends to all Operational Spaces that are occupied by the Society in the coordination and delivery of its events, activities, and programming. An understanding of and abiding by the following Inuit Qaujimajatuqangit (“IQ”) principles are fundamental to operational space wellbeing, productivity, and IQ in our organization.

Harassment in any form is unacceptable behaviour and is not tolerated by the Society.


The Society is committed to the value of Ujjiqsuittiarniq, where the Society’s coordinators, contractors, service providers, volunteers, delegates, and program participants (including sponsored participants) (collectively, the “Participants”) must perform their work, duties and/or training in a courteous and conscientious manner and be respectful of the needs and values of all Society event, activities and Participants. The Society strives to create an environment where Saimaniup Pimmariuninga (importance of harmony) in the Operational Spaces it functions in is emphasized through Ujjiqsuittiarniq and by committing to the guiding principles of:

  1. ᐃᒃᐱᒌᖃᑦᑕᐅᑎᑦᑎᐊᕐᓂᖅ – Ikpigiiqattautittiarniq: to be respectful/mindful of others through the practice of empathy;
  2. ᐱᕕᓕᖅᑎᑎᒋᐊᖃᙱᓐᓂᖅ – Piviliqtitigiaqannginniq: to be conscientious of one’s own verbal expressions;
  3. ᒥᓇᕋᕆᐊᖃᙱᓐᓂᖅ – Minarariaqannginniq: do not spread malicious rumours or intentionally convey false information, as it destroys a person’s spirit;
  4. ᐅᖃᐱᓗᒋᐊᖃᙱᓐᓂᖅ – Uqapilugiaqannginniq: refrain from speaking maliciously under any circumstances;
  5. ᒥᑕᐅᑎᖃᕆᐊᖃᙱᓐᓂᖅ – Mitautiqariaqannginniq: refrain from and be vigilant against any form of intimidation, humiliation, undermining, offending, hurting or belittling of a person; and
  6. ᐊᒻᒧᑦᑎᕆᔭᕆᐊᖃᙱᓐᓂᖅ – Ammuttirijariaqannginniq: discourage all behaviour that is belittling, humiliating, offensive, hurtful, or rude.

All Participants are entitled to perform their duties and activities in a safe, respectful, and harassment-free work environment.

All Participants share in the collective responsibility for a safe, respectful, and harassment-free work and operational environment, including bystanders who witness disrespectful and harassing behaviours.

All individuals are entitled to a fair, confidential, and expeditious resolution process for complaints under this policy.

The principles of fairness, integrity, and impartiality will be applied in any resolution and/or investigation of situations that may arise under this policy to ensure that the rights, responsibilities, and obligations of all individuals are respected.

The most effective way to maintain a safe and respectful operational space is to prevent harassment from happening in the first place. Informal and formal processes are available to resolve workplace harassment.

Participants are encouraged to resolve harassment through open communication and co-operation. Wherever possible, the Executive Committee and Board of Directors should strive to resolve complaints in an informal manner. This could include dealing with the issue one-on-one with affected individuals or facilitated discussions.


This policy applies to all of the Society’s Participants. Participation, including assistance and cooperation, is mandatory for all parties named in this policy, relative to events, activities and programming coordinated and/or hosted by the Society.

Behaviour that takes place outside the operational spaces that are occupied by the Society in the coordination and delivery of its events, activities and programming will typically not fall within this policy. However, this policy will apply to harassment that occurs outside the operational spaces where the harassment is likely to affect relationships within the operational spaces that are occupied by the Society in the coordination and delivery of its events, activities, and programming.

This policy does not limit Participants’ rights to pursue other remedies. These may include private legal remedies, grievances, or complaints under applicable legislation. The Society will not be responsible for the provision of legal services to affected individuals who pursue other remedies.


The following definitions apply to this policy:

  1. Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) means processes that usually involve a neutral third-party, whose job it is to provide the parties to a dispute with assistance aimed at reaching resolution through facilitated problem-solving or mediation. This process is non-disciplinary.
  2. Bystander means an individual who is not involved in the instance of harassment but who has witnessed or is otherwise aware of behaviour that contravenes this policy.
  3. Complaint means a formal, written complaint against an individual or group of individuals which the complainant alleges has engaged in behaviour that constitutes a violation of this policy.
  4. Complainant means an individual who believes they have experienced harassment and makes a complaint.
  5. Designated Representative means a designated representative of the Society who operates in a supervisory or managerial capacity.
  6. Executive Committee means the elected directors of the Society, which typically consists of a President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer.
  7. Facilitated Discussion means a problem solving session led by a designated representative of the Society, in which both parties are directed to participate, and from which the designated representative of the Society may provide direction on future behaviour.
  8. Harassment means any behaviour that satisfies one or more of the following definitions:
    1. Abuse of Authority occurs when a Participant improperly uses the power and authority inherent in their role or function in events, activities, and programming that are coordinated or hosted by the Society to endanger the role and function of Participant, undermine the performance of that role or function, threaten the economic livelihood of the Participant, or in any way interferes with or influences the participation of the Participant in Society events, activities, and programming. It does not include the legitimate and proper exercise of the Society’s responsibilities, including disciplinary measures, distribution of work assignments, training, contracting decisions, or performance evaluations conducted by the Executive Committee or the Board of Directors.
    2. Harassment is unwanted conduct by a Participant, including through email or social media, that can be reasonably considered to have the purpose or effect of violating an individual’s dignity and can reasonably be considered to result in creating an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment for that individual based on one or more prohibited grounds of discrimination listed in the Nunavut Human Rights Act that is known or ought reasonably to be known to be unwelcome, sexual or personal harassment. The prohibited grounds set out in the Act are: race, colour, creed, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender and gender identity, age, disability, ancestry, ethnic origin, place of origin, citizenship, marital status, family status, pregnancy, lawful source of income, and a conviction for which a pardon has been granted.
    3. Personal Harassment is unwanted conduct by a Participant, including through email or social media, that can be reasonably considered to have the purpose or effect of violating an individual’s dignity and can reasonably be considered to result in creating an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating, or offensive environment. Personal harassment does not have to be based on a prohibited ground of discrimination listed in the Human Rights Act.
    4. Sexual Harassment is unwanted sexual conduct by a Participant, including through email or social media, that can be reasonably considered to have the purpose or effect of violating an individual’s dignity and can reasonably be considered to result in creating an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment for that individual, whether on a one-time basis or in a series of incidents, or that an individual might reasonably perceive as placing a condition of a sexual nature on their employment or on an opportunity for training or promotion.
  9. Investigator means a designated person with investigation training or experience who has been authorized by the Executive Committee to investigate a complaint.
  10. Operational Spaces means those spaces that are occupied by the Society in the coordination and delivery of its events, activities, and programming.
  11. Participant or Participants means the Society’s coordinators, contractors, service providers, volunteers, delegates, and program participants (including sponsored participants).
  12. Prima Facie means allegations, which, if true, would mean that harassment has occurred.
  13. Respondent means the person or persons against whom a complaint has been made.


Complaints of harassment received by the Society may proceed through one of the following processes:

    1. Complaint Resolution – Informal Process
      1. Direct Response
        1. Where safe and reasonable to do so, a Participant who believes that they are subject to harassment in operational spaces should, as a first response, advise the respondent that the behaviour is offensive and request that the behaviour stop.
        2. Where circumstances do not permit this course of action, or where a direct response has not prevented a recurrence of the harassment in operational spaces, the Participant should inform the Executive Committee in writing. The Executive Committee will then review the situation, and, where necessary, take appropriate action.
      2. Facilitated Discussion – The parties to the complaint may choose to use facilitated discussion as a resolution tool.
      3. Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) – The parties to the complaint may choose to use ADR as a resolution tool.
    2. Complaint Resolution – Formal Process
      1. Written Complaint
        1. Formal complaints are initiated by submitting a written complaint to the Executive Committee in the form attached as Appendix A to this policy. The complaint, at a minimum, will specify the details of the allegation, including:
          • Name of the respondent;
          • A description of the action/circumstances of the complaint;
          • Date(s) of incident(s); and
          • Name of witnesses, if any.
        2. If the complaint is against a member of the Executive Committee or Board of Directors, the member shall excuse themselves from the process, and the complaint can be filed with the remainder of the Executive Committee or Board of Directors.
        3. The Society will provide written acknowledgment of receipt of a complaint.
        4. The Society will assess the complaint to determine whether the complaint fits within the mandate of this policy and if there is prima facie evidence supporting further investigation.
        5. If the complaint does not contain prima facie evidence of harassment, then the matter may be referred to another process or may be at an end.
        6. If the complaint contains prima facie evidence of harassment, then the Society will appoint an investigator to conduct an investigation to determine whether the allegations are true.
        7. The Society will advise the complainant and the respondent, separately, in writing, of the result of the assessment and next steps, if necessary.
        8. The Society may take any reasonable interim measures necessary to minimize harm and preserve the investigation process pending the outcome of the investigation, including, but not limited to, separating the parties to the complaint, restricting an individual’s access to operational spaces, or temporarily removing a Participant from a program or event. These measures are not disciplinary and do not confirm the validity of the complaint.
      2. Investigation
        1. If the Society determines that the complaint contains allegations which, if true, would constitute harassment, the Executive Committee will authorize an investigation as soon as possible.
        2. The investigator may interview the complainant, respondent, and any witnesses, to determine whether, on a balance of probabilities, the allegations are true.
        3. The investigator will provide a written report to the Executive Committee that includes findings of fact.
      3. Outcome of an Investigation
        1. The Executive Committee will consider investigation findings and determine what appropriate action should be taken. Parties involved will be notified as required.
        2. Where harassment is found to have occurred within operational spaces, possible actions include, but are not limited to:
          • Education and training;
          • Written reprimand;
          • Disciplinary suspension;
          • Termination of contract;
          • Temporary or permanent suspension of participation in Society events, activities, and programming;
          • Cancellation of sponsored benefits (such as accommodations, per diems, air travel or other participation benefits);
          • Removal from the Board of Directors and/or Society membership; or
          • Other remedial measures applicable to specific circumstances.
        3. The Society will monitor the situation following resolution to ensure that recommendations are followed.

The following provisions apply to all complaints:

  1. Retaliation
    1. Retaliation, reprisals, or threats as a result of filing a complaint or being party to the investigation of a complaint are subject to disciplinary measures including, but not limited to:
      • Warning or written reprimand;
      • Suspension from Society activities, events or programming;
      • Termination of contract;
      • Cancellation of sponsored benefits (such as accommodations, per diems, air travel or other participation benefits);
      • Removal from the Board of Directors and/ Society membership; or
      • Other remedial measures applicable to specific circumstances.
  2. Fabricated, Frivolous, or Vexatious Complaints
    1. Where false information has been provided, the person responsible will be subject to disciplinary measures including, but not limited to:
      • Warning or written reprimand;
      • Suspension from Society activities, events or programming;
      • Termination of contract;
      • Cancellation of sponsored benefits (such as accommodations, per diems, air travel or other participation benefits);
      • Removal from the Board of Directors and/ Society membership; or
      • Other remedial measures applicable to specific circumstances.
  3. Written Complaint Withdrawal
    1. A complainant may withdraw a complaint by submitting a “Harassment Complaint Withdrawal Request Form” to the Executive Committee in the form attached as Appendix B to this Policy. The withdrawal request should specify the reason for withdrawal and include:
      • Name of the respondent;
      • Detailed explanation of why the complaint is being withdrawn.
  4. Bystander Intervention
    1. Individuals who witness behaviour that contravenes this policy have a responsibility to take appropriate action and report the behaviour to someone in authority. A bystander who reports behaviour that contravenes this policy will not be considered as a complainant. However, the individual may be interviewed as a witness if there is an investigation into the concerns raised.
  5. Anonymous Complaints
    1. Anonymous personal complaints will not be addressed under this policy, but may be subject to an investigation at the discretion of Executive Committee. Anonymity cannot be granted when a complaint is filed as the Respondent has the right to know who made the complaint and to respond to any allegations that have been made against the respondent.
  6. Confidentiality and Records Management
    1. All matters and material relating to a harassment complaint are to be treated with the utmost confidentiality by all Participants involved and are subject to a strict need-to-know basis. Any Participant who fails to comply may be subject to disciplinary measures.
    2. Information provided during an investigation may be disclosed in the event of a court proceeding or other legal proceeding.
    3. The Society will retain the investigation report and related documentation in a secure location in accordance with the records retention schedule of the Society.
    4. Investigation files may be re-opened where:
      • New and relevant information is provided to the Society that was not available at the time of the original investigation;
      • Retaliation is alleged to have occurred; or
      • A similar allegation is made against the respondent.


  1. General
    1. The Board of Directors are accountable for the implementation of this policy.
    2. The Executive Committee is responsible for monitoring and reporting on the implementation of this policy within the organization.
  2. Specific
    1. The Executive Committee:
      1. Makes information available on prevention and resolution of harassment;
      2. Provides support, direction, and advice on the mandate of this policy and the process for filing a complaint;
      3. Receives and assesses written complaints to determine if there is prima facie case of harassment;
      4. Leads formal investigations or mediation resulting from formal written complaints;
      5. Arranges for experienced persons to lead formal investigations or mediations resulting from formal written complaints;
      6. Promotes timely resolution of mediations or investigations.;
      7. Establishes and provide an operational environment that is free from all types of harassment;
      8. Ensures that all Participants are made aware of this policy;
      9. Takes appropriate action, as soon as possible, to resolve any complaints or claims brought to their attention;
      10. Ensures that all parties treat complaints and the investigation or mediation process as confidential;
      11. Provides training on harassment to its Board of Directors, coordinators and volunteers; and
      12. Monitor situations where complaints have been substantiated to ensure corrective measures have been successful.
    2. All Participants must:
      1. Be aware of and comply with this policy;
      2. Treat all persons in operational spaces with dignity and respect;
      3. Refrain from inappropriate behaviour or objectionable conduct that may constitute harassment;
      4. Cooperate with formal investigations, facilitated discussions, and mediations conducted under this policy; and
      5. Treat complaints and the investigation or mediation process as confidential.


Nothing in this policy shall in any way be construed to limit the prerogative of the Executive Committee to make decisions or take action respecting the this policy outside the provisions of this policy.


For further information or clarification, please contact: President – Kivalliq Trade Show Society: Appendix A – Harassment Submission Form

(Please attach any additional information required to capture the details of the complaint.)

Name of complainant: ____________________________

Nature of relationship to the Kivalliq Trade Show Society – i.e. coordinator, registered delegate, exhibitor, program participant, artist, volunteer, contractor, presenter or other):



Address and phone number: ______________________________________________

Date and time allegation(s) took place: ______________________________________

Name(s) of alleged respondent(s): __________________________________________

Name(s) of any witnesses: ________________________________________________

Describe allegation(s): ___________________________________________________

Describe actions of witnesses: _____________________________________________

I hereby certify that to the best of my knowledge the information I have provided is accurate and complete. I am aware that making a false or frivolous allegation is in violation of the Kivalliq Trade Show Society’s Respectful and Harassment-Free Spaces Policy.

I acknowledge that a comprehensive investigation may be initiated as a result of the information I have provided.

_________________ ___________________ __________

Complainant Name Complainant Signature Date

Appendix B – Harassment Complaint Withdrawal Request Form

Name of complainant: _______________________________

Address and phone number: ______________________________________________

Date original complaint was submitted to the Kivalliq Trade Show Society:__________

Name(s) of alleged respondent(s): __________________________________________

Describe reason for requesting the withdrawal of complaint: _______________________

I hereby certify that to the best of my knowledge the information I have provided is accurate and complete. I understand that by submitting this form, my original complaint referred to above will be withdrawn and the matter closed.

__________________ ___________________ ____________

Complainant Name Complainant Signature Date


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